D. L. Fang, R. K. Napolitano, T. L. Michiels, and S. M. Adriaenssens, “Assessing the stability of unreinforced masonry arches and vaults: a comparison of analytical and numerical strategies,” International Journal of Architectural Heritage, pp. 1–15, May 2018.
Senior thesis work at Princeton University in partial fulfillment of the Bachelor’s of Science in Engineering. Physical modeling and international collaboration funded by the Lidow Fund, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), Princeton University.
Co-advised by Sigrid Adriaenssens (Associate Professor, CEE) and Axel Kilian (Assistant Professor, ARC) Additional contributions from Rebecca Napolitano and Tim Michiels (PhD candidates, CEE).
Awards: The Calvin Dodd MacCracken Senior Thesis/Project Award, Princeton SEAS (news) David W. Carmichael Prize, Princeton CEE